
Modification of Child Support due to job loss and COVID-19

Times Are Tough

The spread of COVID-19 has thrown the certainties of life into disarray. Unfortunately, this uncertainty has had a devastating impact on both the stock market and the everyday commerce that sustains the economy. Freelancers, drivers, hotel and restaurant workers now find themselves physically or legally barred from working. Not only service workers are affected; even people with desk jobs who are able to work from home might find themselves laid-off or furloughed as businesses reduce their payrolls in a bid to cut costs.

With almost twenty million people unemployed, and an average of a million filing for unemployment every day for the last three weeks, one certainty within the great chaos of COVID-19 is that parents’ ability to fulfill child support obligations has changed. If you have been financially affected by the pandemic, we are here to help. Our attorneys are prepared for this situation and can help you modify your child support agreement to reflect your new circumstances.

Courts Are Closed; We Are Open

At present, Massachusetts law courts are closed until June 1, 2020. Given that uncertainty reigns in the era of coronavirus, this is subject to change. However, the courts have communicated that attorneys are to continue filing complaints for modification to child support. The courts are aware of the many persons whose income and ability to pay child support have been affected, through no fault of their own, by the virus.

As a side note, these instructions apply to other categories of complaint, including divorce and other probate and family law concerns.

When the courts finally do reopen, they are promising to process all complaints for modification received during the closure with due haste. They will then issue summons to attorneys as soon as possible.

We recognize that even when life comes to a standstill, the need for legal help waits for nothing and no one. Our attorneys are prepared to represent your interests in child support and other issues even in the midst of this pandemic. Contact us directly to discuss your situation and learn your options.

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