
Tag: divorceagreement

What To Ask For In Your Divorce Settlement

A fair divorce settlement leaves both parties with what they need to start over. Before negotiations begin, you should discuss your options with your divorce attorney. To help guide your negotiations and avoid surprises, you should create a list of your nonnegotiables, the things you’re willing to be flexible on, and the things you’re willing to live without. Below is a list of topics to consider when determining what to ask for in your divorce

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I was married and last lived in Massachusetts with my spouse but do not live in Massachusetts now, can I get divorced in Massachusetts?

While marriage laws are based on where the parties are at the time of marriage, divorce is based on where the parties live at the time of divorce. The answer to this question depends on how long you’ve resided outside of Massachusetts. While most states require you to be a resident before you may file divorce papers, the required length of residency varies per state. In most cases, it’s at least a minimum of six

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Don’t like something about your divorce agreement?

Once a divorce is over and the dust settles, people often realize that they shouldn’t have agreed to certain terms in their agreement. I have been told by clients that they agreed to certain things because they just “wanted to get it over with”. Clarity comes later and people want to alter the agreement because they believe that something was not “fair”. In order to file for a modification of the divorce agreement, there must

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How to change a divorce agreement.

All too often, I have people ask me if they can change their divorce agreement. And the answer is, maybe. When you get divorced, you divide up your property. That is permanent and you cannot go back later and change anything. Matters relating to child support and child related issues are modifiable but only if you can prove a change in circumstances. An example of this would be: let’s say you lost your job and

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