
Can I request a protection order against my ex for cyberstalking?

When divorce is not something both parties want, it is not unusual for a spouse to act resentful or even retaliate against their partner.

Many divorcing couples face stressful disputes during the process of separation. For some, these disputes can turn from emotional arguments to criminal crimes, such as stalking.

Stalking is a serious, illegal offense. Whether committed physically (in-person) or virtually, stalking is a crime that is not taken lightly by the courts. A stranger, a family member, or an ex can be found guilty of stalking.

During separation or divorce, an ex may commit cyberstalking by tracking a spouse via social media to see who they are spending time with. Other instances of cyberstalking involve hacking into private accounts. The information obtained may be used as a revenge tactic.

Divorcing couples are advised to change account passwords and make social media platforms private to prevent cyberstalking.

Is an order of protection necessary?

As a victim of stalking or cyberstalking, you can seek an injunction against your violator. Stalking can jeopardize the safety and well-being of the victim or their children. If you feel you are being stalked, you have the right to request an order of protection against your abuser.

When dealing with an abusive ex or partner, a protection order can help keep you safe from harassment, stalking, and other harm. If you feel you are the victim of stalking, talk to an attorney for legal ways to keep you and your children safe.

We can help. Contact our office today to determine if an order of protection is in your best interest. We are experienced family law attorneys and can help guide you through the divorce process and secure the legal means necessary to help keep you safe.

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