Legal Blog

Drinking and guns.

Do you have a license to carry a firearm? (LTC) Did you know if you are carrying your firearm or have one in your car and you have had only ONE drink you can be arrested? Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 269, section 10H anyone who carries a firearm in the state of Massachusetts while under the influence of an intoxicating substance, such as alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, depressants or stimulant substances commits a crime. In

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You have an 18 year old now…

Your baby has just turned 18. Probably heading out for college soon. Did you know that you are no longer legally entitled to access to their medical information? Or their legal affairs? Bank accounts? What’s a helicopter parent to do? What you can and should do is have your little cherub execute a durable power of attorney that also contains an authorization for the release of information in conjunction with the H.I.P.P.A. rules. This document

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Now affiliated with ARAG!

If you are entitled to legal insurance through your employer, you may be eligible for discounted legal services through our office! Briones Law Group was recently selected by ARAG to be a partner with them in providing affordable legal representation for their members. We look forward to a long and successful relationship with them!

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When DCF comes a knockin’

What happens when DCF enters your family life? Did you know that if you have an argument with your spouse or partner and kids are in the house and the cops get called, the police are mandated to report the situation to DCF? If DCF believes that a child is in danger, they can remove the child from the home. Legally, in order for DCF to remove your child from your care they must show

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Not ready for divorce; is a separation agreement ok?

The short answer is no and here’s why: If your marriage is in trouble but you aren’t quite ready to pull the trigger, people think that a separation agreement is an option. If an agreement is drafted that both people agree upon and sign, you may have entered into a legal contract. However, that doesn’t mean that the contract would be upheld in probate court when you do finally seek a divorce. To enforce a

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Communities for Restorative Justice Event to be held on September 29th, 2016 in Lexington!

I just received my invitation today for the Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ) fundraising event to be held on September 29, 2016 from 6-9 pm at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library in Lexington, MA. This event will be featuring guest speaker Judge Nancy Gertner (Ret.) who will be discussing the work of Restorative Justice in improving police-community relations and reducing the impact of criminalization on our youth. Tickets include food and open bar

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Ayer Police capitalizing on the sympathies of our citizens.

Be careful if you live in the Ayer, MA area! Police have 20 year olds posing as veterans asking people to purchase alcohol for them. I just represented a client who was charged with purchasing alcohol for a minor which carries up to a six month jail sentence if found guilty. My client said that he never would have done it if they hadn’t said they just returned from Afghanistan. Be careful! Something like this

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Marlborough Lawyers Provide Free Legal Advice to Underprivileged Community

The Briones Law Group donates one day a month volunteering in the Lawyer of the Day Program offered through Metrowest Legal Services helping underprivileged people have access to legal help in the Probate Court system. For information on Metrowest Legal Service’s available programs, please visit The organization helps connect community members in need with lawyers willing to offer subsidized legal advice. Sarah Briones, of Briones Law Group, recently attended the “lawyer of the day”

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