
Legal Blog

New Child Support Guidelines Issued

Changes to Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines Coming in October  New guidelines will make substantial alterations to how Massachusetts courts calculate how much child support is owed, effective in October. After a decade of steadily decreasing child support requirements in Massachusetts, it seems that pressure by public advocacy groups has reversed this trend. The new guidelines, which go into effect on Monday, October 4, 2021 seek to address the depreciative impact of rising medical, childcare, and

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Do I have custody rights as a non-biological parent?

A non-biological, non-adoptive parent who has acted in a parental role may be considered a de facto parent. As defined by the Massachusetts courts, a de facto parent is “one who has no biological relation to the child but has participated in the child’s life as a member of the child’s family. The de facto parent resides with the child and, with the consent and encouragement of the legal parent, performs a share of caretaking

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What You Need to Know About Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and Divorce 

As part of the divorce process, both parties are required to complete a financial disclosure. This ensures both parties have a complete picture regarding finances. The financial disclosure includes details about all assets and compensation, including and Restricted Stock Units (RSU) grants. Before understanding how RSUs are divided in a divorce, let’s review a few basics. Restricted Stock Units  RSUs are one of many ways employers can provide employees with an opportunity to share in

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You Can Legally Hide Your Criminal Record

There are two different types of criminal records; one is available to law enforcement, judges, and probation officers, the other is a public record anyone can access. Following a criminal case, sealing or expunging a criminal record can help preserve your future.   CARI vs. CORI While the terms CARI and CORI are often used interchangeably, they are two distinct records generated by different databases with different information. CARI stands for Court Activity Record Information.

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Dividing Qualified Retirement Plans in the Aftermath of Divorce

Splitting assets during a divorce can be an arduous task. To complicate things, the division of certain retirement savings accounts requires an extra step. DRO vs. QDRO Divorce proceedings often conclude with a domestic relations order (DRO) to lay out the division of retirement assets. However, assets from a qualified retirement plan, such as a 401(k), are covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). These types of retirement plans have stricter

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Who Can Claim a Child as Dependent on Taxes After Divorce?

Divorce can be a trying life event, but add filing taxes into the mix, and most parents are running for the hills. Not to worry, by the end of this article, all of your divorce tax filing questions will be answered. Filing Status Let’s start with filing status. For couples going through the process of divorce, there are two filing options. When a divorce is pending but not finalized, the IRS still considers the couple

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The Massachusetts Criminal Arraignment Process

It’s easy for attorneys to take for granted the knowledge they have regarding a criminal arraignment. After all, they may find themselves in court several times a week, so the process is second nature to them. Unless you have been involved in a criminal legal process, the things that go on during a hearing can be shrouded in mystery. Let’s examine the process and review what one can expect during an arraignment. The Probation Department

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Get a Grip on Legal Jargon: Divorce Terms Explained

When facing divorce, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the legal jargon used throughout the process. Add this frustration to the mounting stress and heightened emotion, and you may be left making poor decisions. While our firm is here to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you have, this guide can help clarify some of the legal jargon you may encounter. Types of Divorce Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage This cause

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Can I Change My Original Divorce Agreement?

Yes! Not only can you modify your divorce agreement, it is best to change it as your circumstances change. Divorce agreement modifications can address changes to child support, alimony, and custody arrangements. Either party can request a modification to reduce or increase support payments or to change parenting plan specifications. The status of your case, as well as the type of change requested, will determine how you facilitate modifications. One method is through a Complaint

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Preparing For Divorce Mediation

Divorce is always a painful process. Splitting assets for its cash value is often a difficult end to a relationship that did not work out. Emotions run high, even in an amicable divorce. Being prepared is the best way to ensure both parties receive their fair share of the marital assets and debts. Listing shared properties of value, dividing properties with written evaluations by a neutral party and listing all goals for the divorce mediation

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