
License Revocation

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License Revocation

There are a number of reasons why a driver can have his or her driving license suspended or revoked in Massachusetts. The loss of driving privileges can be a huge inconvenience because most of us rely on the use of our vehicles to travel to and from our place of employment, to transport our families around town and to run errands. However, it’s important to remember that driving on a suspended or revoked license is illegal and can result in severe fines and possible jail time.

What are some reasons why your driving license may be suspended?

The MA Registry of Motor Vehicle can revoke a citizen’s driving license for the following reasons:

  • If an individual gets three or more speeding violations within a year.
  • Excessive surcharges (major moving violations or at fault accidents) can result in the revocation of an individual’s license.
  • If you are a habitual traffic offender, meaning that there are more than twelve surcharges on your motor vehicle record you can lose your driving license for up to four years.
  • An OUI/DUI conviction or refusing to take a Breathalyzer analysis test can also result in the revocation of a person’s license.
  • Committing a vehicular criminal offense such as stealing a car, leaving the scene of an accident with damage, are grounds for a driving license to be legally revoked.

In different situations an individual with a revoked license may be eligible to obtain a MA hardship license. A hardship license is a restricted license that allows an individual to operate a vehicle only to get to and from their place of employment, attend school or to receive medical attention. In order to be eligible the driver has to meet specific qualifications.

To apply for a hardship license the individual must meet the following criteria:

  • No evidence of operating a vehicle while license has been revoked.
  • Completed the minimum revocation time before applying for a MA hardship license.
  • Attended and completed any alcohol/drug addiction program or traffic school.
  • There has to be legitimate proof of a hardship.
  • All fines must be paid in full.

Even if you meet the above criteria for qualification it is up to the RMV agent discretion to determine whether a hardship license should be granted. Our firm has experience successfully handling criminal traffic defense cases. Our expertise can help you receive the best outcome possible. Call us today for a free initial consultation to discuss how we can help you reinstate your license or receive a hardship license.

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