
Larceny Crimes

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Charged With Larceny?

Under Massachusetts General Laws, larceny is described as being the removal of another individual’s property with the intent to defraud or permanently deprive them of ownership. Many states and jurisdictions in the U.S have removed larceny as a crime from their statutory codes instead replacing it with a general theft statue. Massachusetts is one of the few states that still maintain it’s larceny laws.

If you were recently arrested for stealing a car, pick pocketing, snatching a purse, shoplifting or passing a bad check in MA you may be charged with larceny. If there is evidence that you even attempted to unlawfully take another person’s property you could be facing larceny charges.

Although, larceny cases are often treated as misdemeanors the greater the crime is, the penalties and consequences will be equally severe. It’s possible for a larceny charge to be handled as a felony. Retain the services of Briones Law Group immediately in order to guarantee a solid successful defense. By neglecting to hire an attorney you are risking your future.

In Massachusetts larceny is classified into two categories.

Grand Larceny

“Grand larceny” is exactly what the adjective implies. If the value of the property stolen whether it was money or other goods, exceeds $250, then it is considered grand larceny which is a felony crime.

Law enforcement officials base their decision on a estimate of the value of the stolen property. However, in order for the charge to stick the prosecuting attorney has to prove without a doubt that the property does indeed exceed $250 in value.

If you are facing grand larceny charges we can make plans to have those charges reduced because often approximations or estimates on the value of the property are questionable and will not be able to hold up in the court room.

Grand larceny is punishable by imprisonment and fines.

Petty Larceny

Petty larceny is the term applied to the theft of property which value falls below $250. In most petty larceny criminal cases, items that were stolen are non valuable items making this a misdemeanor charge.

Although you can still face jail time in many cases both probation and community service will be required.

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